Le CDJ appelle à candidatures pour une Master Class #PressCouncilsEU à Bruxelles (31 mai-2 juin)

Le Conseil de déontologie journalistique (CDJ), avec la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ), le Raad voor de Journalistiek (RvdJ) et l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), organise une Master Class européenne du 31 mai au 2 juin 2023 dans ses locaux à Bruxelles.
L’appel à candidatures est ouvert dès aujourd’hui via ce formulaire et jusqu’au dimanche 16 avril inclus aux étudiants et étudiantes en journalisme et journalistes de 30 ans et moins (avec maximum 5 ans d’expérience). Toutes les informations pratiques sont disponibles en anglais ci-dessous.
WHEN? Wednesday 31 May-Friday 2 June 2023
WHERE? Residence Palace – Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels (Belgium)
WHAT? A EU Master Class on digital ethics and digital empowerment of young journalists and students of the profession. The curriculum includes training on digital security, data journalism, AI in journalism and ethical standards in online news. These sessions will be led by European experts who will guide the participants to analyse the ethical standards of journalistic materials from the view of press councils. This will allow participants to discover how press councils work and the critical questions upon which the councils’ work is based. Please note that the Master Class will be exclusively in English. A draft agenda can be found here.
WHO? Self-regulatory bodies and journalists’ unions and associations from all the EU countries can propose two candidates. Candidates will be nominated at the national level and selected by the partners of this project; the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Raad voor de Journalistiek, Conseil de déontologie journalistique (CDJ) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). One will be selected to attend the class and the other will be put on the reserve list. The selection process will be attentive to gender balance and diversity. We will be accepting candidates who are students of the profession, regardless whether they are brand new students or have been studying for longer. We will also accept those journalists who have been in the profession for less than five years. Candidates must be 30 years old or under and currently residing in the EU.
!!! Deadline for submission: Sunday 16 April by end-of-day !!!
Any question? Contact us at cdj@lecdj.be
To find out more about the #PressCouncilsEU project : https://presscouncils.eu/